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Islamic Finance Dissertation Topics

Have you ever been challenged with Islamic finance dissertation writing for your undergraduate or graduate degree? If so, you will be all too aware of how significant and difficult it is to choose a remarkable dissertation topic at the same time.


Today’s comprehensive and well-detailed guide is designed to help you choose impeccable Islamic finance dissertation topics. It will walk you through inspiring topic examples that will enable you to kickstart your thought process and outline appropriate steps to formulate dissertation topics of merit.

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Expert Assistance on Islamic Finance Dissertation Topics

Are you striving to draft an exemplary Islamic finance dissertation within a stringent deadline? Are the challenges associated with choosing a unique topic making you break into cold sweets of exasperation?

No need to worry. Let the prolific stalwarts of is a reputed dissertation writing service that has helped innumerable students in the USA achieve their academic goals in the past few years. Our eminent experts exactly know how to make things fall into place. Islamic finance dissertation is just one of our many specialties. We have a pool of prolific Ph.D. and Master’s writers as well as proofreaders to aid you with composing and editing your dissertation in your hour of is a reputed dissertation writing service that has helped innumerable students in the USA achieve their academic goals in the past few years. Our eminent experts exactly know how to make things fall into place. Islamic finance dissertation is just one of our many specialties. We have a pool of prolific Ph.D. and Master’s writers as well as proofreaders to aid you with composing and editing your dissertation in your hour of need.

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An Inspiring List Of Islamic Finance Dissertations

Islamic finance dissertation topics are gaining quite importance in recent times as the concept has generated extensive interest within the context of business and finance.

Have a look at the following list that incorporates popular trending Islamic finance dissertation topics. Feel free to browse through this comprehensive list to find the perfect idea for your next dissertation:

  1. Explain in detail the impact of COVID-19 on Islamic Finance
  2. The role of Islamic finance during COVID-19
  3. Discuss- Customer satisfaction with Islamic banking
  4. What does Islam guide in asset-backed financing?
  5. Provide a systematic review of challenges and limitations in the implementation of Islamic financing in capitalist environments
  6. Write a detailed literary review on the Islamic finance and risk-sharing
  7. Investigate the salient features of Islamic economics. Explain in detail its impact on finance and the capitalist environment.
  8. Discuss the future of Islamic finance in environments increasingly relying on AI
  9. Explain Sukuk. Generate a factual understanding of this term and explain its importance within Islamic banking.
  10. Trace the historical pathway of Islamic finance in the UK from the year 1970. Write a literature-based investigation on it.
  11. Do you think customers of Islamic banking are satisfied? Present a comparative investigation with traditional banking customers.
  12. Discuss the compatibility of Islamic banking with halal tourism in Islamic countries. Explain its investigating rules, practices, challenges, and limitations.
  13. Map the economic growth of Malaysia as an extension of Islamic financial policies
  14. How do you think disputes are resolved in Islamic financial institutions? Provide insights from the literature.
  15. Give justification for the presence of cryptocurrency in Islamic finance. Discuss what Islamic law guides.
  16. Present a comparative review of stability features within Islamic and conventional finance environments.
  17. Present a study on why Islamic finance is not The Law in Islamic countries.
  18. Present a qualitative investigation on how non-Muslim finance experts working in Islamic financial institutions in the UK perceive Islamic finance practices.
  19. Write a detailed study on the impact of Islamic finance on conventional capital markets of the UK.
  20. Discuss a deep analysis of the constraints in the application of business partnerships with Islamic banks.
  21. Explore the risks related to Murabha financing and leasing for small and medium scaled businesses.
  22. Discuss a novel approach for formulating interbank transactions mechanism between Islamic and conventional banks
  23. Write a qualitative study on how non-Muslim finance experts who are employed in Islamic banks compare the Islamic finance practices to conventional finance practices in the UK.
  24. Write a detailed analysis of Zakat. Discuss how as a tool it increases GDP through microfinancing in Islamic countries.
  25. Present an analysis on the sustainability of Islamic banking in international trade. Write a detailed study on the Malaysian trade.
  26. Present a comparative survey between Ijara and Murabha as the remarkable way of financing small businesses.
  27. Present a study on the impact of Islamic finance on conventional capital markets of the UK
  28. Discuss a comparative analysis of financial rules for venture capital forms between capitalist and Islamic firms.
  29. Present a novel approach for formulating interbank transaction mechanisms between conventional and Islamic banks.
  30. Explore the risks related to Murabha financing and leasing for small and medium scaled businesses.
  31. Explain in detail the profit and loss sharing mechanism of Islamic banks
  32. Islamic banking experiences: Present the comparative analysis or study of a country
  33. How do you think corporate governance is distinct from Islamic and conventional banking?
  34. Discuss- Islamic banking less affected by the crises of credit
  35. Explain the challenges faced by the Islamic banks
  36. Discuss in details-The skill gap and recruitment gap for Islamic financial institution
  37. How effective do you think is Islamic finance education catering to the growing demand?
  38. Discuss the relation between the Islamic finance industry and the growth of the country?
  39. Explain the contribution of the Islamic economy to the infrastructure development of the developing country.
  40. Discuss- ‘Standardization or harmonization of Fatwas in Islamic banking or the IFI industry’.
  41. Discuss the merits and demerits of Arabic terminology.
  42. Islamic banking in (country)- Explain development, perspectives, and evolution in detail.
  43. Do you think the Sharia board can play a vital role in the development of Islamic instruments?
  44. What do customers say about Islamic banking? Explain- values vs. religious perspectives.
  45. Discuss the relation between Islamic finance and economic growth
  46. Do you think SMEs can benefit more from Islamic financing?
  47. Explain in detail about the firms that make use of Islamic financing.
  48. Discuss the success factors of collaboration in Islamic banks.
  49. Present a theological context for the distinction between Capitalism and the Islamic financial community. Give evidence through literature.
  50. Islamic option products- Discuss
  51. Present a comparative study of the Islamic bank’s fund sources
  52. Explain the ethical and legal issues of Islamic banking.
  53. Explain the Islamic banking experiences
  54. Risk management and Islamic bank performance- Discuss in detail.
  55. Present a relation between Islamic finance and financial engineering
  56. Present a comparative study between the dominance of sales and lease-based transactions in assets of Islamic banks.
  57. Controls and risks of Shariah-compliant financial institutions and business organisations.
  58. Explain Islamic business ethics
  59. Discuss the human resources management from an Islamic perspective
  60. Explain Islamic marketing mix. Discuss in detail the product, pricing, and distribution.
  61. Explain in detail the policy-making Shariah-compliant financial institutions and business organisations.
  62. Discuss- Corporate governance and transparency of Shariah-compliant financial institutions and business organisations.
  63. Advertising and promotion in Islam.
  64. Islamic finance and economic development-how do Islamic finance law contribute?
  65. How interest-free is Islamic interest-free banking?
  66. Present a comparative study of traditional and Islamic finance.
  67. Evaluate the Islamic types of investments. Which ones are the most profitable?
  68. Evaluate Tawarruq as a tool of inter-bank borrowing.
  69. Explore risk management framework for Islamic banks- Do we need something special?
  70. Do you think challenges faced by Islamic banks changed over the last decade?
  71. What do customers say about Islamic banking? Discuss values vs. religious perspectives.
  72. Present through the case of Ijarah the aspect of collaborative Islamic banking service?
  73. Discuss the success factors of collaboration in Islamic banks?
  74. Do you think Islamic finance can reduce nonperforming loans?
  75. Can the Sharia board play a role in the development of Islamic instruments?
  76. Explain- value at risk of Sukuk and conventional bonds.
  77. What is the risk analysis of Murabha financing and leasing?
  78. Can ownership structure affect earning management?
  79. Discuss the relevance of Islamic banking experience to career prospects and job opportunities for Islamic bakers in capitalist societies- Investigate the scenario.
  80. Explain the future of Islamic finance in environments increasingly relying on AI?
  81. Explain- Modeling factors affecting employees’ satisfaction in the Islamic banks
  82. Discuss the impact of GFC on Islamic financial institutions.
  83. Explain Islamic banks and failure resistance.
  84. Discuss- Islamic derivatives markets.
  85. Explore the relation between equity financing and Islamic banking.
  86. Write your views on Islamic banks entry.
  87. Explore- Islamic banks, conventional banks, and customer relationship
  88. Express your views on Islamic branding, identity, image, and reputation.
  89. Explore the marketing of Islamic banking and financial services and the Halal market.
  90. Explore the governance of Shariah supervisory boards.
  91. Discuss the hedging techniques in the Islamic finance industry.
  92. Explore the profitability of Islamic banks.
  93. Present a comparative analysis of the performance of Islamic banks and conventional banks during the financial crisis (post or during).
  94. Explore the development or establishment of all the issues of Islamic baking in a specific country or region.
  95. Discuss- “Islamic Financing: Kaleidoscopic view of banking in India”.
  96. Present a critical analysis of the legal and institutional framework for Islamic banking in Nigeria.
  97. Explain- “Islamic finance: A paradigm shift in the financial markets”.
  98. Discuss your views on Islamic bank internalization.
  99. Explain your views on the relationship between Islamic banks and the profit/loss sharing mechanism.
  100. Explore Islamic banking practices and theories on Islamic banking experiences.
Wrapping Up,


Undeniably, choosing exciting Islamic finance dissertation topics can seem to be a battlefield for you. It always does not need to be that way if you are well-versed in these top-notch tips. Execute these foolproof tips to choose a remarkable Islamic finance dissertation topic. You can also pick one that piques your interest or get started with your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers to "write my dissertation" on any of these topics. Here’s wishing luck on wrapping up an impeccable paper!

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