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International Relations And Geopolitics Dissertation Topics


Any dissertation is written in order to provide a unique take on the research work relevant to that subject. Cooking up a dissertation can be difficult for most students as original research takes time and effort. That is even truer if the topic is too concise. It is harder to frame the writing accordingly. Research in International Relations and Geopolitics are in vogue nowadays, both due to their real-world, political relevance and the possibility of lucrative career opportunities abroad. International Relations and Geopolitics Dissertation topics can be based upon historical trends in the relationship between the countries involved, current modes of politics, diplomacy, comparative policy-making, trade relations, culture, ways of governance, digital channels of communication for diplomacy, and more. Whatever subject piques your mind, you can surely fall back on the expert dissertation writing staff here at Our penchant for perfection will ensure that your International Relations and Geopolitics assignment is on just the right track

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International Relations & Geopolitics Topics On the COVID-19 Situation

The looming curse of COVID-19 is raging worldwide. Let us explore some of the important issues involving this global pandemic that is of importance to all of us:

  1. What can the governments worldwide and the UN do to decrease vaccine hesitancy?
  2. Are the richer countries doing enough to help the poorer nations with vaccination?
  3. Wuhan lab leak theory: what does it have to say about xenophobia?
  4. In a globalized world, is China to be blamed for a global pandemic that originated in its land domains?
  5. Why is vaccine hesitancy so high in first-world countries?
  6. What would patent removals from COVID vaccines entail in relation to geopolitics?

Most students are expected to face difficulties when writing dissertations about such current topics and debate hotbeds that involve the whole world. In case of any queries, write to our experts at, and we will be sure to work things out.

International Relations And Geopolitics Dissertation Topics In International Law

International law is the framework by which international relations function. These research topics and thesis topics  look at the when and where of the ideal applications of such international laws:

  1. How has the EU served to influence the various relations between the member states? Has it been for the common good?
  2. Why is the law partial to certain countries about breaking them?
  3. How does international law work when taking into consideration crimes against humanity?
  4. Discuss the successes and failures of the United Nations proved as a law enforcement agency.
  5. Why has the US been traditionally held above the UN protocols? Discuss with examples.
  6. Why would countries like China and Russia be allowed to get away with law breaches while dictatorships in other countries are punished?
  7. Were US actions in Iraq and Afghanistan legitimate?
  8. Does international law ever justify the use of force?
  9. What reforms do international laws need to improve international relations?
  10. With the geopolitically complex politics, are there any hopes for international laws to ever be universally applicable?
  11. How are countries ‘equal in the eyes of the law’?
  12. What can international law do with regard to drone strikes?
  13. Does international law need to be changed to pave the way for a digital age?
  14. Why have international laws been proven unable to find a resolution to the Syrian conflict?
  15. Why have the international laws been proven unable to find a resolution to the Gulf conflict?
  16. Why have the international laws been proven unable to find a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
  17. Why have the international laws been proven unable to find a resolution to the Myanmar coup?
  18. Why have international laws been proven unable to find a resolution to the African conflicts and civil wars?
  19. Why have international laws been proven unable to find a resolution to the crimes against humanity in Canada?
  20. How can international law ever be effectively enforced against the Great Powers?

Connect to our experts for more unique topics and expositions, which will definitely make your international relations and geopolitics assignment unique.

International Relations & Geopolitics Dissertation Topics On India

  1. What can the world learn from the Indian experience of counter-terrorism?
  2. How will the UK gain from pursuing a close post-Brexit partnership with India?
  3. How can India contribute to the ‘Quad’ in balancing China?
  4. How has Covid-19 vaccine export altered global perceptions of India?
  5. How is UK security impacted by India-Pakistan tensions?
  6. Has democracy succeeded in India?
  7. How did colonialism shape Indian attitudes toward the West?
  8. How does India balance its development and poverty alleviation policies alongside the neighborhoods’ security challenges?
  9. What contribution could India make to stabilizing Afghanistan?
  10. Growing Russian-Chinese relations and their impact on Indian security?

For access to more interesting and relevant subjects, call us and let our experts get in touch with your concern.

International Relations & Geopolitics Dissertation Topics On British Foreign Policy

  1. How do Brexit's policies on data sharing on criminal and terrorist suspects impact the security cooperation between the United Kingdom and Europe?
  2. What drove UK’s decision to leave the European Union?
  3. How will the UK benefit from leaving the EU?
  4. What is the significance of the UK-US relationship today?
  5. Does Britain’s foreign policy make it a “pet” of the US?
  6. How does Britain’s foreign policy influence the rest of Europe?
  7. Can Britain utilize its economic, military, and diplomatic powers for improving its position in the global sphere in light of Brexit?
  8. How will a Labour government shape British foreign policy in the Middle East?
  9. Will Brexit reduce the influence that Britain still holds in global affairs?
  10. Is there any meaning to Brexit?
  11. Post-Covid, will a close relationship with China still be viable for the UK?
  12. Are the previous interventionist approaches with respect to British foreign policy still politically and economically sustainable?
  13. What are the significant post-Covid economic constraints on the horizon for Britain?
  14. What difficulties does the idea of "Great Britain" pose to the UK in light of the unrest in Scotland and Northern Ireland?
  15. How can the United Kingdom fend off the challenges from the Northern Irish and Scottish independence movements?
  16. What approaches to strategic security should be taken by the UK to minimize the risk of instability in Northern Ireland post-Brexit?
  17. Does the UK still hold relevance as a US ally?
  18. Can Britain’s foreign policy be revitalized by linking trade and economic priorities with diplomacy and security?

International relations and geopolitics dissertation focused on British foreign policies demands extensive knowledge and bears special significance for a British national. Let our professional dissertation help you out with your task.

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Current International Hotbeds Of Discussion

  1. Post 9/11, how the fear of pan-Islamism shaped international trade relations.
  2. Will Brexit actually help the USA?
  3. How will the UK leaving the EU change EU's practices?
  4. Is China’s growth as the new superpower something to be feared?
  5. Immigration in relation to the foreign policy and labor rights of European Union countries.
  6. Conflicts within the African Nations.
  7. Are the constant coups in African countries a concern for the Western World?
  8. Is Russia back in its cold war stance with the US?
  9. Russia and China joining hands: what does it mean for the Western World?
  10. A look into the history of NATO and its current relevance.
  11. The worldwide space race.
  12. Worldwide effects of China’s economic growth.
  13. United Nations' role in the recurring Israel-Palestine issue.
  14. Gaza and Hamas: US's stance.
  15. The ousting of Netanyahu and what it means for peace in Israel.
  16. EU's role in worldwide International Relations
  17. How EU is becoming even more close-knit.
  18. The Role of United Nations in climate change.
  19. Net-zero emissions: the myth and reality of trade relations worldwide.
  20. Will the focus on renewable sources of energy change the relationship with the Gulf nations?
  21. The current Arab premier and free speech.
  22. The military coup in Myanmar: the plight of the people and international responsibilities.
  23. The aftermath of the Syrian War: how have the refugees been legally incorporated into the workforce?
  24. Why are the Norwegian countries consistently the happiest countries in the world?
  25. Failures of social welfare systems worldwide.
  26. Perceptions of gender in politicians worldwide
  27. MNCs and greater taxation on the rich
  28. Stimulus checks in the US: should more countries follow in her steps?
  29. What does Tokyo Olympics mean for Japan and the rest of Asia?

Have trouble writing my dissertation on international relations and geopolitics assignment? No matter how difficult the topic is, we'll help you to submit your work on time.

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International Relations & Geopolitics Dissertation Topics On Second World War

  1. How does the US’s role in the immediate aftermath of the war illustrate her position in international relations and politics?
  2. Did the US ‘take advantage’ of Europe’s regressed position after the war to increase its own power?
  3. What were the ways in which the US sought to increase its value in the world?
  4. How did the US create the first world?
  5. Did the Marshall Plan prove beneficial or detrimental to Europe’s economic recovery?
  6. How did Germany’s division illustrate the state of international relations at this time?
  7. Would a ‘united’ Germany have led to closer international relations?
  8. How did Europe's situation in the aftermath of war make many countries part of the Soviet Union or the Eastern Bloc?
  9. Did the Allied Powers in WWII achieve their aims?
  10. How have European relations been effectively structured for the next fifty years in the immediate aftermath of the war? Has it changed?
  11. What was the ‘Cold War’? What were its most significant influences on international relations?
  12. Has the cold war ended?
  13. How did the effects of the ‘Cold War’ spread so quickly? How was it resolved?
  14. What was the biggest achievement in international relations in the aftermath of the war?
  15. How successful were the reparations provided by the US in securing countries against the threat provided by the Soviet Union?
  16. Why were nuclear weapons developed? How did they affect international relations?
  17. To what extent did World War II directly lead to the creation of the EU?

Whatever the international relations and geopolitics dissertation topic you have chosen, you can trust our experts to take care to make it into a unique piece of research that earns you the awe of your professors and peers alike, as well as earns you good scores in your exam. Why wait then? Contact us to make your academic dreams a viable reality. Else you can take essay writing services that would be plagiarism-free only at, dissertation help service. 

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FAQs On International Relations And Geopolitics Dissertation Topics

What are some popular topics for international relations and geopolitics dissertations? question0

Some popular topics for international relations and geopolitics dissertations include: international security, global governance, international organizations, foreign policy analysis, regional studies, conflict resolution, and international political economy.

What are some research methods used in international relations and geopolitics dissertations? question2

Research methods used in international relations and geopolitics dissertations include qualitative methods such as interviews, case studies, and content analysis, as well as quantitative methods such as surveys and statistical analysis. Mixed-methods approaches may also be used.

How do I ensure that my international relations and geopolitics dissertation is original? question4

To ensure that your dissertation is original, you should conduct a thorough literature review to identify existing research on your topic. You should also identify gaps in the literature and areas where further research is needed. Your research question should address a unique aspect of the topic that has not been extensively explored in existing research.

How do I choose a topic for my international relations and geopolitics dissertation? question11

Choosing a topic for your dissertation can be challenging. You should choose a topic that you are passionate about, that has relevance and importance to the field of international relations, and that is feasible to research within your timeframe and available resources. You may also want to consider topics that are under-explored or that build upon existing research.

Can I conduct field research for my international relations and geopolitics dissertation? question13

Yes, field research can be a valuable method for international relations and geopolitics dissertations. However, it may not always be feasible or safe to conduct field research in certain locations or on certain topics. You should carefully consider the risks and benefits of conducting field research and ensure that you have appropriate resources and support.