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An Ultimate Guide To Calculating GPA

Guide To Calculating GPA

how to calculate GPA?

Several students wish to learn 'how to calculate GPA from percentages

Some take the easier way of using an online GPA calculator to determine their performance for college/university admissions.

However, the good news is Calculating GPA isn't difficult once you learn the right steps.

GPA is the proper indicator for determining a student's previous academic performances.

Moreover, college applications weigh mostly on 2 crucial factors.

  • Curriculum rigour

  • And High School GPA

Moreover, other standardised exams like ACT and SAT are the third factor.

That is precisely why you need to know how to calculate GPA from percentages.Moreover, you also need to ensure that you have an acceptable GPA scale – a vital factor when applying for Bachelor's or Master's degree programs.

While you can always use an online GPA calculator to determine how you fare, calculating GPA manually isn't difficult once you learn the right steps. Since GPA is crucial in students' admission and overall course performance, let's dig deeper into understanding GPA calculation.

This blog will provide all your GPA-related queries, including how GPA is calculated and more. So, read attentively.

What is GPA?

GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is the sum of your course grades divided by the overall earned credits throughout your high-school tenure. 

Ideally, most schools consider a GPA of 4.0 to be the benchmark. A GPA of 4.0 is equivalent to an A or A+ grade. 

The GPA provides a numeric analysis of a student's performance in various subjects throughout high school (both for semester and annually).

All achieved grades are averaged to achieve one definite cumulative grade, which is further used to calculate my GPA

Then GPA score ranges from 0-4 (0 being the lowest and 4 being the highest tally).

Refer to the table below for a better picture of GPA to percentage.

Grade Letter

Earned Grade Points

Grade in numeric

A+ 4.0 97&100
A 4.0 94&96


































You can also rely on a percentage-to-GPA converter to get a precise tally. So, use it without hesitation (if needed).

How to Calculate My GPA?

Calculating GPA is fairly simple.

But, you will require the below data to calculate your GPA.

  • The necessary data needed to 'calculate my GPA' include as follows.

  • The total courses' credits you have attempted at high school.

  • The overall grades you have earned in your high school course programs.

  • And point values for those earned grades.

Take, for example



Values for Earned Grades











The formula for calculating GPA is dividing the total points you have earned in all your course programs against the sum of attempted credits.  

So, the result will be shown below.

Grade Point Average (GPA) = Total Earned Points / Sum of credits attempted.

Let’s explain with a relatable example for better clarity.


HS Course program

Hours of Credit

Achieved Grade letter

Grade Points





Chemistry lab work












Through this performance table, we learn that the student has attempted a total of 16 credit hours and earned a total of 36-grade points. 

 So, let's revert to the formula we highlighted.

Grade Point Average (GPA) = 36 grade points earned / 16 attempted credits

The GPA for the student is 2.25.

What is a Good GPA?

Many students wonder what should be their ideal GPA in high school or what is considered a good GPA for college.

The ideal GPA to keep through your high school tenure and subsequent college admission must be anything between a B+ and B.







Of course, this also stands as the minimal expectation to become eligible for college scholarships. So being around this mark is considered acceptable.

Nevertheless, it would be best if you always aimed higher to give yourself a better chance to compete with others. Even getting an A- is a better alternative if you can't achieve the A mark.)




Talk to our academic specialists if you need to know more or want help to improve your GPA score.

Why Does Your GPA Matter?

Your GPA helps the admission committee determine your overall curriculum performance in high school.

By getting the perfect 4.0 GPA, you can secure enrolment into a state university of your choice.

However, if one aims for top-tier institutions like Ivy League Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, MIT, Yale, Princeton, etc., the equation is different.

One must secure a perfect GPA of 4.0 to be considered eligible. The ideal GPA is the minimum criterion for these selective schools to warrant enrollment consideration.

Furthermore, a good average is crucial in your post-academic/professional career. Including a GPA score in the resume improves chances of securing entry-level job roles like museum curator, librarian, etc.

However, the GPA is not the only important criterion for students to work and improve upon. Students must also emphasise on practical skills and equivalent practical work expertise.

Nevertheless, an impressive GPA score slightly tilts the balance in your favour.

The Most Effective Ways to Improve Your GPA

Earning an excellent GPA score is indeed daunting. But it is not impossible either.

On that note, here are some sure-fire ways to help you improve your GPA score.

Attend ALL Classes Regularly

You must regularly appear for classes. Doing so allows you to not miss out on any important lesson covered. It also gives you a proper picture and understanding of various professors' notes and subject-centric assignments.

Moreover, it gives ample face time with your professor, to whom you can ask questions and clarify your doubts.

Be Active in Classes

Being active in class is another crucial step to consider. With more active involvement, you won't miss out on any important announcements by the professor.

You can take notes during your instructor's lectures. Plus, you will have less confusion about homework, class tests, chapter topics and writing assignments that carry a decent % of your overall marks.

Hand in Your Assignments on Time

Always strive to complete your writing assignments and homework tasks correctly and submit them on time. It's even better if you can do it before the deadline! Doing so provides a good impression on your professor. Plus, submitting flawless assignments on schedule also fetches your desired grade. 

And if you face difficulty with your written assignments and homework tasks, get in touch with expert assignment help online in the UK.

Choose Your Subjects Carefully

Besides the above tips, you must also pick your course subjects smartly. Not every student excels in every subject. However, if you do choose the subject discipline you like, you will likely score well in the exam.

You can always speak to your academic advisor before deciding what subject to choose.

What Are the GPA Requirements for UK Universities?

If you have a GPA of 3.0 or above, you stand a decent chance of securing a spot in one of the UK's top universities.

That said, you must set your target higher than 3.0 for a better likelihood. Statistically, UK universities are somewhat lenient compared to the US or other nations.

There have been instances of students getting into some UK universities with a GPA score of 2.5 or more. But that is the limit. You can't go any lower.

Of course, students with low GPAs of 2.5 or 3 must also exhibit good scores in the SAT, AP or ACT exams to be considered. 

Check the table below for a precise idea of the GPA requirement among UK universities.

Degree Classification


Grade Point Average Score

class honours (needing excellent GPA)

Either Grade A or 70% (or more)


Upper 2 class honours (needing good GPA)

Either Grade B or between 60-69%

3.3 – 3.9

Lower 2 class honours (needing average GPA)

Either Grade C or between 50-59%

2.7- 3.2

3 class honours (poor GPA)

Either Grade D or between 40-49%


Here is an index of the universities in the UK accepting low GPA for master's degrees.

  • University of Wolverhampton
  • Wrexham Glyndwr University
  • York St John University

  • Northampton University

  • University of Bolton

  • University of Hertfordshire

  • The University of Wales Trinity Saint David

  • University of Lincoln

  • De Montfort University

  • East London University

  • Leeds Beckett University

  • Leeds Trinity University

  • University of Portsmouth

  • University of Roehampton

  • Birmingham City University

  • Bishop Grosseteste University

  • Buckinghamshire New Universit

Popular Master's degrees offered in the UK for subcontinent students
  • MA Economics

  • Master of Architecture

  • Master of Management

  • MA Political Science

  • Master of Engineering

  • MBA

  • MSc/MA Finance

  • MA/MSc Accounting

  • MA/MSc Psychology

  • MSc/MEng Computer Science

  • Masters in Communications

  • MA Journalism

  • MD

  • Law (LLM)

  • MSc in Mathematical Sciences

  • MA in English

You can enquire about GPA score requirements or available Master's Degree courses by visiting their official websites or calling the university's student support desk whenever convenient.

What is the Difference between Unweighted and Weighted GPA?

An unweighted GPA denotes your median grade on a tally of 4.0, irrespective of how complicated or simple the course learning proves for respective students.> A weighted GPA considers the more complex course learning. Thus, it can even ascend past the typical 4.0 tally, like a 5.0 GPA score. If it's confusing, let's explain with a relatable example. If you procure a B in honours, your unweighted GPA is 3, whereas the weighted GPA score is 4.0. Let's Dig Deeper into Calculating the Weighted GPA. If a student gets the following scores. 5.0 in English, 5.0 in Maths, 4.0 in History, 4.0 in Statistics, and 3.0 in Biology, then we calculate the weighted GPA using the following steps.

Step 1 total scores (5+5+4+4+3) = 21

Step 2 total classes attended = 5

Step 3 total scores against the total classes attempted (21/5) = 4.2>

Thus, the weighted GPA is calculated as 4.2 Let's now understand how to calculate Unweighted GPA If the student secures the following scores 4.0 in English, 4.0 in Physics, 3.0 in Chemistry, 3.0 in Statistics, and 2.0 in History, then we calculate the unweighted GPA using the following steps.

Step 1 total scores (4+4+3+3+2) = 16

Step 2 total classes attended = 5

Step 3 We divide the total scores against the total classes attempted (16/5) = 3.2

Thus, the unweighted GPA is calculated as 3.2

Which GPA Do UK Colleges & Universities Consider?&gt

The answer is tricky.

Some colleges and universities in the UK consider both weighted and unweighted GPAs.

Others consider neither and convert the GPAs to have the same data for each candidate.

Thus, it depends on the college or university you're applying to. The best step forward is to visit your institution's official portal and confirm details.  The Difference between Cumulative GPA and Overall GPA After explaining how to calculate GPA in university, let's draw out the basic difference between Overall GPA and Cumulative GPA

The overall GPA is the sum of all cumulative GPAs you have procured in all courses through your academic tenure.>

The cumulative GPA denotes the average of all grades you have received in all course subjects within a specific term exam or semester.

How to Calculate Cumulative GPA for a Specific Semester?

If a student gets grades of A (4.0), A (4.0) and B (3.0) in a specific semester- their cumulative GPA will be (4+4+3 /3) = 3.67

How to Calculate Cumulative GPA for All Semesters?

If a student gets grades in all 4 semesters (regardless of the same institution or another) – (4.0), A (4.0), B+ (3.5) and B (3.0) in a specific semester- their overall GPA will be (4+4+3.5+3 /4) = 3.625 Alternatively, you can use an online GPA calculator to 'calculate my GPA quickly. 

FAQs On Calculate GPA

Q.What Grading Scale Is Commonly Used to Calculate GPA?

Ans: The commonly used grading scale for GPA is 4.0. It is the top-most grade established by institutions.

Q. How Are Credit Hours Considered in GPA Calculation?

Ans: The numeric grade is multiplied by the total credit hours. Doing so gives you the earned honour points. Moreover, you divide the earned honour points by the total credit hours for calculating GPA. The result will be your term's GPA. Speak to our assignment experts today to learn more about GPA.

Q. Can You Provide an Example of GPA Calculation?

Ans: Here is an example explaining, how to calculate GPA for university.> Calculating GPA is done by dividing the sum of grade points by the total attempted credit hours. If your total grade points are 12.333 and your credit hours are 4.25, your GPA is 12.333/4/25 = 2.90.  Refer to the table above to learn about the percentage of GPA!

Q. Can GPA Be Calculated for Different Grading Scales?

Ans: The top GPA is 4.0. It equals an A grade. The total GPA is calculated by your score average in all classes. Moreover, GPA is calculated for different grading scales – unweighted and weighted ranging from 0-5

Q. How Does GPA Affect Academic Standing?

Ans: GPA certainly affects academic standing. Per the institution's policies, a low GPA can put a student on probation, alert or even suspension. It can also hamper a student's progress towards their chosen course.
It plays a significant role in a student's admission process as it helps determine how many classes a student has taken and their performance. 

Q. Can I Calculate My GPA Using Online Tools or Apps?

Ans; There are many online GPA-calculating tools to use for free. Even we offer our free GPA calculator as one of our free academic tools to students. Unhesitantly use our GPA calculator whenever you see fit for accurate calculations. 

Q. Can GPA Be Weighted?

Ans: GPA can be weighted if it goes to 5.0. Typically, they are considered very complicated classes for students.

Q. Can I Calculate My Cumulative GPA?

Ans: Add grade points for each class, and then divide the sum by the credits earned in your courses.  Suppose your grade point is 42, and your total credits are 12.  In that case, you have to divide your grade point by total credits – 42/12 = 3.5 your cumulative GPA.
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 Anne Gill
Anne Gill

Anne Gill is a seasoned author and skilled wordsmith, known for her mastery in the art of writing. With a passion for language and a keen eye for detail, she brings a unique flair to her literary creations.

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